Haider Ackermann Spring Summer 2012 Review

 Oh how deshabille, how French, so Fifth Arrondissement. No! just sloppy lesbian clothes

I don’t like Haider Ackermann. I can understand why people like his work but I think he’s overrated. His  spring summer show opened with tailored day suits in silk. So practical. He draped one side of a jacket, elongating the lapel and then tucked the other side into the pants. They were a nice, un-fussy opening but then he got carried away with his draping and yeah it’s his thing, I get that, but whatever. Meh.
The problem with Haider Ackermann is that his clothes aren’t extremely avant garde so it’s considered just ready to wear but it’s too avant garde for 'normal' people to buy. I don’t think that makes a lot of sense. Actually, Lady Gaga wearing one of his dresses on the cover of Vogue is the perfect summation of his work. Slightly avant garde to suit Lady Gaga but wearable enough for Vogue.


陳亭均 Heidi Tin-jyun CHEN said...



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