Missoni SS 2012 Review

This was a poorly conceived collection. Apparently Angela Missoni was on holiday and was inspired by her kids coming home in the morning after a hard night partying and dancing. Then somehow she got it in her head that Missoni is avant garde? Are you serious? Ange, babe, no. Let’s leave avant garde to the Van Bierendoncks and the De Castelbajacs. It felt like all the design departments (that Missoni presumably have) didn’t consult each other as the designs progressed. It’s like they were all given a brief and reconvened 3 months later with a finished product (a well made product) and then put it all together. So many questions. In no particular order: Why did nobody at any stage call bullshit on this collection? Why did nobody say hmm perhaps the shoes could be simplified? Why did nobody say, actually the fringing is too much? And the ruffles. Why don’t we pull back on those a bit?

Get ur shit together Angela


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