Christopher Kane Loves Triangles. Somebody call the hipster police

Glitter corsets were dished up with a sea of black leather and wool for Versus fall 2011. If someone told you they wanted the boning in their corset to be coated in glitter you'd probably ask where they buy their crack and make a mental note to hide the hot glue gun and macaroni elbows.
But Christopher Kane (and sibling partner in fashion crime Tammy Kane) is one of those designers that you have to trust because he knows how to handle some janky fabrics. Take a look at his own line for fall and you'll see crochet blanket inspired skirts and plastic trimmed dresses filled with sparkly liquid. On paper his work is highly questionable but once you see it you die.
The collection also featured a glitter triangle print so it's hipster approved because hipsters fucking love triangles.


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