Alice In Wonderland and Other Filmspirations

Every now and then a film comes out and somehow manages to inspire the way we dress. Sometimes it's a bit forced with magazines doing spreads on getting the look for films that really made no impact such as Australia and Sex & The City The Movie. I once saw a spread-I shit you not-on how to get the look from The Wizard Of Oz. One page had a tin man look, scarecrow etc. It was weird and ridiculous page filler. It may have been Grazia and I hope I'm wrong because Grazia is my not-so-secret shame.
Baz Luhrman's Australia failed to get women in lace gloves and spectator hats but Moulin Rouge inspired dance-crazed fashion spreads and clothes for a season or two. The energy of the film just leapt from the screen to our wardrobes.
The latest to do so is Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland. I recently saw it at Imax in 3D and I was left wanting more from the film. The costumes were pretty cool too. I wouldn't say amazing, compared to other Burton films like Beetlejuice but pretty cool.
I'm just not sure what it is about Alice that inspires people. Maybe it's that dogged child-like naivety she has? At work the other day I noticed a girl wearing tights printed with spades, diamonds, clubs and hearts. It may not have been Alice inspired though, she may just have an overt gambling addiction.
So will you be getting a blue pinafore?

Below is my Alice inspired look which I won't be rocking for 2 reasons: A) I can't afford any of these clothes and B) I'm a guy
So there's a Roberto Cavalli dress, Rick Owens leather jacket and Lanvin heels.


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